Author Archives for neso_admin

Mental Health Resources for Coping with Coronavirus

March 19, 2020 6:56 pm Published by Comments Off on Mental Health Resources for Coping with Coronavirus

Is a member of your team experiencing coronavirus-related stress? For help coping with coronavirus and assisting your team members and patients, following are a number of resources. Taking Care of Your Mental Health in the Face of Uncertainty. Coping with...

Elective vs. Non-Elective Procedures

March 19, 2020 6:48 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

AAO: Elective vs. Non-Elective Procedures As many doctors are shutting down their offices to elective procedures, AAO members have requested specific guidelines for what constitutes elective vs. non-elective procedures. It is important for individual practices to use their best judgment...

Cyber Criminals and COVID-19

March 19, 2020 6:45 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Cyber Criminals and COVID-19 Unfortunately, cybercriminals are now leveraging the COVID-19 pandemic to target businesses of all sizes. Historically, successful cyber-attacks launched against the orthodontic sector have resulted in stolen, inaccessible, or destroyed patient electronic health information, the unavailability of...

Coronavirus Webinar Recording and Handouts

March 18, 2020 4:10 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Did you miss yesterday’s webinar titled Today’s Coronavirus Management in the Ortho Practice? It’s not too late to take advantage of these resources.  You can access Jackie Dorst’s online lecture for free here. Handouts from this webinar can be downloaded...