The NESO Experience

Shivam Mehta
Dr. Shivam Mehta
University of Connecticut, 2nd year resident

In addition to attending the presentations at NESO, my experience at NESO culminated into monitoring multiple sessions, introducing the speakers and keeping the sessions on schedule. I felt great elation when the staff acknowledged me as their star volunteer, but in hindsight I feel there is much more to it than what meets the eye. The amount of hard work put in by the planning volunteers and staff at NESO as well as the high quality speaker sessions with evidence-based presentations on multidisciplinary orthodontic topics, made NESO a successful meeting. Interacting with the different orthodontic companies at the exhibit on recent innovations, gaining valuable insights from lectures on Airway by Dr. Pliska, and on Autotransplantation by Dr. Janakievski were the highlights for me. I am glad that I had an opportunity to work with this cohesive team and look forward to being more involved as a volunteer to contribute to NESO again in the future.