2021 NESO Cup Winners Announced!

We are thrilled to announce the winners of the 2021 Second Annual NESO Cup Competition, which was held on Friday, November 12 as part of the 2021 NESO Experience.  

Each accredited orthodontic program in the NESO region was be permitted to submit a maximum of two entries.  Each entry received a maximum amount of five minutes to present their TED-type presentation.  Presentations were judged by three to four judges appointed by the NESO President. The winner was announced on Saturday, November 13, 2021 during the NESO Business Meeting.

This year’s first place winner was Ahmad Ahmida of the University of Connecticut Health Center Division of Orthodontics. The winning presenter received a $500 prize and an engraved NESO Cup trophy for their display.  This year’s second place winner was Diaa Allahham of the Eastman Institute of Oral Health, University of Rochester. The second prize winning presenter received a $250 prize.  

If you missed these amazing presentations, you can watch them here.