Dr. Lisa Howard, NESO President
Greetings from your Officers and Board of Directors! We were able to meet IN PERSON this past weekend in Boston, March 4-5, and it was great to see everyone and to be brought up to speed on all that is happening at the AAO and in Washington, DC on behalf of our great profession. Meeting in person is so much more effective when it comes to the work of finalizing the Budget for 2023-2024. Doing that over ZOOM is not a fun task. Mariana Haughey ( President-Elect) and Kristen Dunn (Executive Director) spent the last month preparing the preliminary budget for this meeting. As you might suspect, there is a bit of a challenge when it comes to predicting how our Investments will do and how many members will attend the Annual meeting, both of which significantly affect the bottom line.
Our annual meeting this coming fall is in Montreal and I hope you all consider attending and bringing your staff with you! This is a great opportunity to provide a fun and educational team-building experience for the people you work with every day! There will be something for everyone from clinical and scientific presentations to lifestyle, and work-life balance speakers. And what fun to take a trip out of the country to a city with both old-world charm and modern-day shopping and great restaurants! My daughter graduated from McGill, in Montreal, and I have to say that all the times moving her in and out and the times we were able to just visit, we never had a bad meal, ever! Mark your calendars for October 20-21, 2024, and check now to be sure all of your team members have passports and that all are current.
Let’s hope that Spring is truly, just around the corner, and I hope that 2023 is off to a great start for your practice and your family!
Lisa Howard, NESO President