The ABO is committed to upholding our mission to elevate the quality of orthodontic care for the public by promoting excellence through certification, education and professional collaboration. The ABO has worked diligently to provide a Written and Scenario-based Clinical Examination to ensure user-friendly, yet challenging, examinations as opportunities to orthodontists seeking ABO certification.
The final case-based examination occurred in June 2019. Since the new Scenario-based Oral Clinical Examination was initiated, 531 orthodontists have achieved board certification through this exam. The demand to partake in this examination has been consistent and strong. Examinees range from residents just completing their orthodontic programs, to established orthodontists practicing for 30+ years – reiterating the fact that board certification is for any orthodontist today who wants to challenge and better him or herself, and commit to the level of excellence expected to provide the highest level of patient care.
The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in cancellation of the July 2020 Clinical Examination. The safety and welfare of all involved while maintaining the integrity of the examination carried high importance. A successful on-line written exam was conducted this summer and a virtual Scenario-based Clinical exam examination will be offered soon. Registration for all 2021 Clinical Examinations opened on July 15, 2020. On-line study materials include a Study Guide, sample cases and board prepared videos which will continue to be available on the ABO website to assist in preparing for the examination. The College of Diplomates of the ABO (CDABO) offers Prep Courses to assist in preparing for the examination throughout the year. Upcoming preparatory classes are listed on the CDABO website. To maintain an active Board Certification status, Certification Renewal is required every 10 years and may be taken up to two years prior to the expiration date printed on the individual’s certificate.
Please visit the ABO website here for additional details on any of the above.
The 2020 Educators Symposium, honoring Dr. Katherine Vig, was also cancelled due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, but will be rescheduled, at a date to be determined. The ABO award recipients are traditionally recognized during the AAO Annual Session. However, due to the 2020 meeting cancellation, the Albert H. Ketcham award will now be presented to Dr. Rolf Behrents at the 2021 Annual Session in Boston. No additional award recipients will be identified for 2021. Dr. Carla Evans, 2020 Dale B. Wade Award of Excellence in Orthodontics, Dr. Perry Opin, 2020 Earl E. and Wilma S. Shepard Distinguished Service Award and Dr. John Kanyusik, O.B. Vaughan Special Recognition Award, will all be honored during the March 2021 CDABO Annual Meeting to be held in Savannah, GA.
The present ABO Directors are as follows: Dr. Valmy Kulbersh, President, representing the Great Lakes Association of Orthodontists (the first woman in the history of the ABO to serve in this position) ; Dr. David Sabott, President-Elect, representing the Rocky Mountain Society of Orthodontists; Dr. Patrick Foley, Secretary-Treasurer, representing the Midwestern Society of Orthodontists; Dr. Timothy Trulove, Director, representing the Southern Association of Orthodontists; Dr. Jae Hyun Park, Director, representing the Pacific Coast Society of Orthodontists; Dr. Roberto Hernandez-Orsini, Director, representing the Middle Atlantic Society of Orthodontists; Dr. Stephen McCullough, representing the Southwestern Society of Orthodontists; Dr. Nicholas Barone, Immediate Past-President, representing the Northeastern Society of Orthodontists; Dr. Emile Rossouw representing the Northeastern Society of Orthodontists. Do not hesitate to contact your representative should you have questions regarding ABO certification.
P. Emile Rossouw
ABO Director