Author Archives for neso_admin

NESO News Special Report: ScanStores

September 12, 2018 3:24 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

ScanStores are popping up all across the nation. What’s a ScanStore? Are they legal? Who is doing the intraoral scanning? And what does all this mean to the local orthodontist? Let’s start by taking a peek inside the ScanStore. The...

Interview with Dr. Katie Klein

September 12, 2018 3:24 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Tell me about your background. I am originally from Rhode Island, and graduated from the 7-year accelerated dental program at Villanova University and the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine. During dental school, I received an Air Force Health...

President’s Message

June 14, 2018 11:45 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Happy spring! Or in my neck of the NESO woods, happy summer as our spring lasted all of one week. That being said, with spring comes the annual AAO meeting, which took place this year in Washington, DC. As usual,...

Our Current And Future Roadmap

June 14, 2018 11:42 am Published by Leave your thoughts

The new AAO President, Dr. Brent Larson, addressed the AAO House of Delegates on May 7, 2018.  He focused his message on the AAO’s new strategic map. This article captures much of what he presented.  As your Trustee, along with...

NESO Serves: 2018 Professional Advocacy Conference

June 14, 2018 11:39 am Published by Leave your thoughts

The American Association of Orthodontists recently conducted its annual Professional Advocacy Conference in Washington, DC.  Each year, members visit various Congressional offices on Capitol Hill to advocate for various topics of concern to the AAO. For 2018, in a unique...