Notice of Bylaws changes

Notice of Bylaws changes

Posted September 20, 2023

Notice of NESO Proposed Bylaws Change

A change to the BYLAWS of the Northeastern Society of Orthodontists will be presented at the Annual Business Meeting to be held at the Hotel Bonaventure in conjunction with the 102nd NESO Annual Meeting.   Both meetings will be held on Saturday, October 21 starting at 7:30am.  The Bylaws changes will be proposed at the first meeting and voted on at the second meeting.

View Motion

View (redline) Bylaws

The proposed changes are detailed below.

  1. Revised the voting members of the Board of Directors


Section A.  COMPOSITION:  There shall be a Board of Directors, the voting membership of which shall consist of the President-elect, Immediate Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, Trustee and one other Past President to be appointed by the President, delegates and alternate delegates to the AAO House of Delegates, Component Directors, Communications Director, representatives to the AAO Councils and Committees, and chairs of all NESO Standing Committees.  In addition, the non-voting membership of the Board of Directors shall consist of the President, Parliamentarian, special Committee Chairs and members of the Nominating Committee.  If members of the Nominating Committee, and Special Committee Chairs are also part of the above voting members list, they may vote. In case of a tie, the President may vote.

2. Delegate Chair term and election

Section C.  TERM:  The term of each delegate shall be one (1) year. A delegate is not limited to the number of terms served. The term of the Chair of the Delegation shall be three (3) years, renewable for up to (three) additional one-year terms, and further that the term begins (and ends) immediately following the close of the last AAO House of Delegates in their term. The term of the Chair of Delegation shall be three (3) years.  The Chair of the delegation may serve 2 terms.

Section D. CHAIR OF DELEGATION:  The A Chairperson-designate will be nominated and elected by NESO’s Nominating Committee in consultation with the Executive Committee and Trustee at the ad interim Board of Directors meeting in the last year of the Chairperson’s term at the Annual Session.  If the Chairperson is unable to fulfill their duties, the Nominating Committee in consultation with the Executive Committee and Trustee will select a replacement to fulfill the term. 

3. Updated AAO Council names for Councils on Orthodontic Benefits and Governmental Advocacy

Section A.  COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES:  The Council Representatives of this Society and respective duties shall correspond with the Association Councils and Committees:

  1. Communications
  2. Governmental Affairs Advocacy
  3. Insurance
  4. Membership, Ethics and Judicial Concerns
  5. New and Younger Members
  6. Orthodontic Education
  7. Orthodontic Healthcare Benefits
  8. Orthodontic Practice
  9. Scientific Affairs
  10. Technology  (appointment is based on expertise, not by Constituent nomination)

4. Inclusion and Engagement Committee is added to list of Standing Committees

Section B. STANDING COMMITTEES: Standing Committees may be formed as needed, with approval of the Board of Directors, in support of and in compliance with the Society’s mission.

  1. Annual Meeting Planning Committee
  2. Budget and Finance Committee
  3. Communications Committee
  4. Inclusion and Engagement Committee
  5. Investment Committee
  6. Leadership Development Committee
  7. Management Relations Committee
  8. Membership Development Committee
  9. New and Younger Member Advisory Committee
  10. Nominating Committee

5. Clarified all committees as Standing


6. Removed category of Special Committees

Section G. SPECIAL COMMITTEES:  The President, with the consent of the Board of Directors, may appoint Special Committees to perform duties not otherwise assigned by these Bylaws.  The Board of Directors or the membership may also appoint Special Committees, the purpose and makeup to be determined by the resolution creating such Committee.

Underline – addition

Cross out – deletion