December 16, 2021 5:49 pm
Published by neso_admin
Fellow NESO Colleagues, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy holiday season in 2021. I was inducted as NESO’s President at the annual meeting in Boston and I am indeed humbled to be...
December 16, 2021 5:40 pm
Published by neso_admin
At this time of year, I was looking to what New Year resolutions could lift me up and reignite my enthusiasm, after an extended period of unprecedented times. I have two good ideas and felt they were worth sharing, as...
December 16, 2021 5:38 pm
Published by neso_admin
NESO held its 2021 Annual Meeting and 100-Year Celebration on November 13 at the Ritz Carlton, Boston. Given the local restrictions in space and attendance, we were only able to welcome 150 members this year, but their energy and enthusiasm...
December 16, 2021 5:36 pm
Published by neso_admin
Recently, I had the privilege to attend the ADA Webinar for state dental association executive directors and officers where Mr. Michael Graham, the ADA’s Advocacy Guru, spoke glowingly about the membership’s response in contacting their congressional representatives on the subject...
November 17, 2021 3:43 pm
Published by neso_admin
We are thrilled to announce the winners of the 2021 Second Annual NESO Cup Competition, which was held on Friday, November 12 as part of the 2021 NESO Experience. Each accredited orthodontic program in the NESO region was be permitted to...
September 16, 2021 12:00 pm
Published by neso_admin
You’re Invited Why am I so happy for you? Because your entire NESO Board of Directors and the AAO have just made this Fall one of the best ever. Looking for an in-person meeting? How about the Ritz Carlton on...
September 16, 2021 12:00 pm
Published by neso_admin
Are you a spectator or a participant? Dentists may participate in politics in many ways. They can write their Representative or Senator, or work in for a candidate or political party. They can make presentations to their local school board...
June 17, 2021 6:00 am
Published by neso_admin
100 YEARS OF FAMILY HISTORY IN ORTHODONTICS In short, our family’s orthodontic journey began with George and Margaret McKenna. They had a son, Earnest McKenna, who went to dental school in the early 1900’s. His older brother, Paul, initially...
June 17, 2021 6:00 am
Published by neso_admin
As a reminder, Annual Session will be held in a virtual setting. It’s not too late to register! You can register as late as Sunday, June 27 at the close of the event. Lectures will be available online for 30-days...
June 17, 2021 6:00 am
Published by neso_admin
As we head into the summer months, there are pending bills currently in legislative sessions throughout the northeast. The primary topics are Teledentistry (Telehealth), Mid-Level Providers (Dental Therapists), and Assignment of Benefits (AOB). These three topics will have a dramatic...