NESO2019 Boston promises even more of the innovation in content and programming that you’ve come to expect from NESO! Join us at the Seaport Hotel & World Trade Center starting on Friday, September 27, with registration and exclusive exhibitor hours in the morning and kicking off the meeting with an opening Lunch and a mix of plenary and breakout sessions throughout the afternoon. All are welcome to join our popular Member Appreciation Reception for drinks and appetizers before heading out to explore the beautiful September Autumn night in Boston.

Saturday starts early with the NESO Business Meeting, where members hear reports from Officers and updates on NESO programs and member opportunities, rolling right into a full day of top speakers in the industry! The Meeting wraps up with a Closing Reception with our industry partners, and time to meet the speakers you’ve heard that day. NESO values your time and participation as members and participants in our meetings, and we’ve worked to meet, and hopefully exceed, your expectation of relevant content in a consolidated schedule that works for you! Registration will open in May 2019, check back on the NESO website for updates.