Happy Summer Everyone!

Dr. Kenneth Webb, NESO Trustee
Dear Colleagues,
I’ve been waiting months to be able to write with that greeting! Hopefully, you have begun to enjoy the longer and warmer days the transition from spring to summer has brought us here in the Northeast.
It wasn’t that long ago that many of us opted for a few days of warmer weather in New Orleans and enjoyed the fantastic 2024 Annual Session planned by your peers on the AAO Committee on Conferences and Meetings! Great CE, great entertainment and special events, a packed exhibit hall, and for the most part, great weather made for a memorable meeting. As many of you know, AAO Annual Session is also the venue for the yearly in-person meetings of the AAO House of Delegates and I want to share a significant initiative approved by this year’s HOD: the Tech Transformation of the AAO!
I probably don’t need to tell you that using the current search feature on the AAO’s member website can be a frustrating experience. Our systems are outdated, and data is currently not shared across many of the AAO’s systems platforms. We have expectations that are set by our experiences with other member and consumer opportunities that are not currently being met.
The AAO Tech Transformation is being designed for the future to leverage the strengths of AI to bring each of us an experience that is tailored to our individual needs when, where and how we desire to access information. Let’s think about how this might look in the future.
Education: In the middle of a busy day seeing patients, if I want a quick, 1–2-minute, review of the best place to locate a TAD distal to tooth #11, I probably won’t be using the AAO’s member website to search for that information. That type of content is likely not available in the AAO’s current system, and it would take longer than 1-2 minutes using the search feature to find that out! The Tech Transformation will include a top to bottom revamping of AAO’s educational content and learning management system, utilizing AI assisted content creation in multiple formats to provide you with instant access to the resources you need when, where, and how you need them. Whether you need a quick 1–2-minute tutorial, a short 10-15 minute refresher, or a comprehensive webinar, that content will be available and easy to access – and as it has always been, that content will be vetted, independent and objective.
Member Communications: So much information comes to my inbox from the AAO, but why am I getting links in my AAO News about choosing the best practice environment for a new graduate or how to access other resources for those starting out in practice? Conversely, why is a new and younger member getting links to access information about transitioning to retirement? The Tech Transformation will incorporate AI tools to ensure that all communications from the AAO are tailored to each individual’s preferences and needs and are delivered in a manner that makes best use of a member’s time.
User Experience Platform (UX): Get ready for a fresh look and feel to the AAO’s consumer and member websites! Your landing page will look different than mine. On the consumer side, an adult’s landing page will look different than a teen’s. Expectations and efficiencies, all driven by AI, will be significantly improved as the AAO transforms for the future!
It’s a great time to be an AAO Member and I appreciate your dedication to our specialty and to our Association!
Wishing you and yours an enjoyable and healthy summer,
Dr. Ken Webb
NESO Trustee
Hopkinton, MA