Dr. John Callahan NESO Trustee
Hibernation is for bears.
These last two years have been an unbelievable struggle. I know we have all done what we needed to maintain our sanity as best we could. But I am ready to explode.
Here it is March. Spring is around the corner, and I THINK I see the light at the end of the COVID tunnel.
I miss my orthodontic friends and can’t wait to reconnect. I’ve been talking to tons of my colleagues who are waiting for just such an opportunity and barring another variant upsurge, the meeting in Miami Beach at the AAO Annual Session May 21-24 will be HUGE.
I’ll let the AAO promote what will be available but after two virtual annual meetings you can just imagine it will be awesome. The AAO team and all our vendor/business partners are psyched. But it is just seeing and being around my ortho brethren that I can’t wait for.
So, if you have been fence sitting on whether to go to Miami Beach make the move and schedule yourself for a great time. Might think also about your office team that has also had a rough ride the last few years. What a great gift to say “thank you” for the last two years and giving them some great opportunities to learn too.
Oh, and the good news about reconnecting just gets better. NESO and MASO are joining to throw a great gathering in Philadelphia September 22-24. More on this to come, but book the dates now for this will be one of the greatest regional meetings EVER!
I’m done hibernating. Hope to see everyone in Miami Beach and Philadelphia. It’s been too long.
As always feel free to reach out and connect about anything AAO. It is my pleasure to represent everyone and thank you for your membership.
John Callahan
NESO Trustee