September 19, 2019

2019 Resident Research Awards

As the primary objective of NESO’s formal Mission Statement is to “Encourage and Sponsor Research”, NESO awards up to three annual monetary grants of $4,000. We received many excellent proposals this year and, after a thorough committee review, the following...

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September 19, 2019

Fall Trustee Update

I love September. Start of college and professional football, baseball is closing in on the playoffs (yes I am a big sports fan), the weather is awesome. It is also transition in our office. I admit that with the start...

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June 19, 2019

What’s Happening at NESO2019?!

Make plans now for September 27-28, 2019 because the NESO Annual Meeting is around the corner! Registration is open for your favorite Fall conference, so don’t miss the discounted Early Registration rates, good through July 28. Coasting on the high...

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June 19, 2019

TELE-DENTISTRY: A Good Thing or a Bad Thing

The hottest topic in my in-box these days is the use of tele-dentistry in orthodontics. Let’s start with my opinion, that tele-dentistry is a good thing if used in the right and legal way. And like any tool, it can...

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June 19, 2019

All About AAOPAC

Who is the NESO Representative to AAOPAC? Dr. Jeffrey Lowenstein is your NESO representative to the 2019-2020 Board of Directors of the AAO Political Action Committee (AAOPAC).  Jeff graduated with a Bachelor of Sciences from MIT in 1981, his DMD...

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April 10, 2019

AAO Legislative Priorities|Adopting Reforms for Small Businesses

Support Growth of Small Businesses through Tax Policy Small business IS the nation’s biggest business. Most AAO members are both highly-skilled medical professionals and the owners/operators of their own small business. We appreciate the work Congress did to pass major...

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April 10, 2019

AAO Legislative Priorities|Healthcare Policy

All Americans deserve access to high quality and affordable healthcare. As Congress considers how to stabilize and strengthen the healthcare market, the AAO supports a healthcare system that maximizes patient control of healthcare decisions, such as choosing their qualified medical...

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April 10, 2019

AAO Legislative Priorities|Student Debt

AAO is working hard to ease the burden of student debt. Orthodontists must complete 10 to 11 years of post-secondary education before practicing their specialty. The average graduating orthodontic resident today owes approximately $428,150 in student loan debt. Current federal...

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March 18, 2019

Letter from the President

Dear NESO Members, I hope that everyone is having a good winter and getting excited with spring right around the corner.  As an update, our final numbers from our 2018 Annual Meeting at Mohegan Sun indicate that we had a...

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March 15, 2019

NESO2019 Kick Off!

NESO2019 Boston promises even more of the innovation in content and programming that you’ve come to expect from NESO! Join us at the Seaport Hotel & World Trade Center starting on Friday, September 27, with registration and exclusive exhibitor hours...

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