December 13, 2017 7:05 pm
Published by neso_admin
Mission Purpose and Charge Develop and conduct educational programs, seminars and conferences to assist orthodontists and their staffs in developing improved patient care, management and delivery systems for the benefit of their patients; Webinars Business of Orthodontics – Topics include...
September 15, 2017 2:35 pm
Published by neso_admin
NESO is excited to host Dr. Donna Galante as a speaker at our 2017 meeting in Boston. Aside from being a board certified private-practice orthodontist for over 28 years, Dr. Galante is also an author, coach, lecturer and educator to...
September 12, 2017 10:44 am
Published by neso_admin
The Resident Research Sponsorship Committee is pleased to announce the 2017 NESO Resident Research Sponsorship Program Winners. Dr. Bianca Cabri Bianca attended Johns Hopkins University where she received her BS in Molecular and Cellular Biology. There she began her...
September 11, 2017 10:45 am
Published by neso_admin
By Dr. John Callahan, NESO Trustee As we reach the end of the summer, an update on some actions occurring at the AAO for the benefit of all our members seems in order. Always near the top of questions I...
September 11, 2017 10:43 am
Published by neso_admin
U.S. News And World Report once again ranked the Orthodontic Profession among the top 5 Best Jobs, recognizing great jobs as ones that challenge us, are a good match for our talents and skills, pay well, aren’t too stressful, offer...
September 11, 2017 10:41 am
Published by neso_admin
Ortho2 is excited to announce that the Edge Cloud will soon include pediatric dentistry software! In addition to your orthodontic needs, Edge Specialist will include your pediatric dentistry needs – everything from an expanded tooth chart, to scheduler needs, and...
July 12, 2017 3:19 pm
Published by neso_admin
Dear Colleagues — I hope you are all having an enjoyable summer and had a fun-filled July 4th holiday. I am thrilled and excited to invite you to the 2017 NESO Annual Meeting in beautiful Beantown – at the Boston Marriott...
July 12, 2017 3:15 pm
Published by neso_admin
By Dr. John Callahan, NESO Trustee On May 3rd, all AAO members received an email from Dr. Nahid Maleki, the president of the AAO, to inform us that the Board of Trustees (BOT) had replaced the previous Executive Director (ED)...
July 12, 2017 3:13 pm
Published by neso_admin
By: Dr. Kevin Kurtzner, DDS Orthodontic Resident, University at Buffalo, Class of 2019 On Friday June 9th, orthodontists from Western New York and beyond gathered in Buffalo, NY for a full day course presented by Dr. Sebastian Baumgaertel titled Contemporary...
July 12, 2017 3:12 pm
Published by neso_admin
State of the Profession: A Reflection U.S. News And World Report once again ranked the Orthodontic Profession among the top 5 Best Jobs, recognizing great jobs as ones that challenge us, are a good match for our talents and skills,...